
Audubon Bird Call with Rosin

The Audubon bird call with rosin was invented in the early 1950's by Roger Eddy, in honor of the National Audubon Society. It is still popular today and can be found worldwide from the U.S. to the United Kingdom to down south in Australia. This small, red device just needs a bit of rosin (a solid form of resin) and a twist to attract nearby birds.

How to Use

The Audubon bird call may sound like a whistle to some, but it really is much simpler than that, and you don't have to pucker up! For those of you wondering, "Does the Audubon bird call work?" just follow these instructions and see for yourself:

Audubon Bird CallAudubon Bird Call Boxed

If you have patience, you can learn to create and identification several calls that will attract different birds. Try twisting the metal ring in short blasts and then longer strokes. You'll hear the difference after a few tries. You can also move the red barrel up and down the metal post while twisting, for more variations.

How to Fix

Is your call not working? Fixing this bird caller is easy! If, after many uses, it doesn't work, rub a small bit of the powdered rosin (included in the packaging) around the metal cylinder, right above the red birchwood barrel. That's it! Now give it another twist.


This bird call has longevity, both in the marketplace and in your pocket!

Where to Buy

Now that you've learned how to use and how to fix the Audubon Bird Call, you may be wondering "Where can I get a new one?" Well, just click this link to view them for sale on Amazon.com. You can also buy a boxed version.

See a list of bird callers for sale here...

Channel Craft Audubon Bird Cal...
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Niche Nation Games Bird Call A...
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Yahpetes Bird Whistle 5 Pcs Ma...
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Wild Republic Audubon Birds Co...
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Wild Republic Audubon Birds Pi...
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Wild Republic Audubon Birds Co...
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Wild Republic Audubon Birds Am...
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Wild Republic Audubon Birds No...
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Related Resources

Next: See Audubon Plush Bird Toys with Real Calls...

Next: Read the "Why Not Feed Bread to Ducks and Geese" article...

Also: Visit the National Audubon Society website.

Also: Read about birch trees at wikipedia.org.


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